From our pals at the Daily Bedpost, advice on minding your booty call manners that you’ll never hear from Miss Fling.
Most people don’t talk about booty calls. That’s part of their appeal: “We don’t have to endlessly com-mu-ni-cate because we’re not in a serious relationship.” People rely on a tacit understanding when it comes to casual sex with their friends and neighbors, and especially their exes. But it’s silly to assume that everyone “understands” the exact same set of personal guidelines. The implicit, unlegislated booty call is a complicated procedure, due to varying agendas, the likelihood of miscommunication, and the chance of emotional intimacy. The smart people know that without rules, there are expectations, and those, by definition, make things messy. Even if you don’t think you have any expectations, that in itself is an expectation: That you not expect anything of me, that you not sleep over, that you not get mad if I don’t call you back. So let’s once and for all manage those expectations with The 25 Rules of the Modern Booty Caller.
Click here for the rest, including this uber-rule: “No matter how casual the set-up, remember that your booty buddy is a human being.”
Here, your newest installment of Ask Lynn, the advice column penned by BG’s alter ego, now appearing on the spanking-new Lifestyle channel at (and powered by This week, we meet Maybe Not So Mature?, who’s doing a little morning-after quarterbacking after a hot and — well, not that heavy one-night stand.
“I knew this was nothing but a fling,” she laments, noting that he’s four years younger (maybe not a huge mathematical difference, but it gives him a whole different digit in the tens place) and that they have nothing in common except that neither lives in the other’s state. “[But] I cannot stop thinking about him. It’s driving me nuts! This is not what I need because I am finally ready to date after being divorced over a year and dating losers for six months. I feel weak for sitting and hoping that he calls. What should I do?”
Other than be stoked that girlfriend’s still got it? Not a whole lot! See what else Lynn has to say, and then come back here to comment!
When is a rebound not a rebound? When there’s a rematch with Miss Fling…
It’s been seven years since BG’s last online adventures, but now the advice and hijinks continue! On February 14th we will start posting (weekly!) what we call The New Adventures of Breakup Girl over the next six months!
The comic strip exploits of Breakup Girl and the gang were revived last year by Lifetime Mobile, who commissioned 28 brand new adventures as part of a 52-week rollout of BG stories on the CELL PHONE. Now, starting Thursday we will be bringing these stories to you on the web!
Because the strips were continuous on Lifetime Mobile, there is no gap between the 1997-2000 run and the new stories; There’s no “where are they now” hilarity or epic “Breakup Girl Returns” plotlines. In the spirit of continuity, here’s where we left off… Remember “Supervillains: A Love Story”–?
