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February 16, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Predicament of the Week
In which Breakup Girl addresses the situation that has, this week, brought her the most (a) amusement, (b) relief that it is happening to someone else, and/or (c) proof that she could not possibly be making this stuff up.

Dear Breakup Girl,

I met this guy a week ago on the elevator. He gave me his business card. I know from experience that today when a guy gives you his business card, this is actually a way of showing interest in you. So I waited a day and gave him a call under the pretense that I needed his service. Sure enough, he told me that he gave me his business card because when he saw me he was interested and this was a way to continue contact with him.

In any case, he suggested that we get together for lunch some time. When I talked to him on the phone he told me he had his own business and that he had diabetes (which I had reservations about). He suggested that we could have dinner either at his place or mine. (I never invite a guy I just met over to my place and I was sure not going over to his!) Or, he said "we could go out for dinner and then a movie." So I said great, we'll do a movie and dinner or vice versa.

When he called that weekend, however, he said that he wanted to come over my place and pick me up and then take me back over his place so I could watch him stuff fliers in envelopes to promote his business (really!), then we could talk and get to know each other better. At the time he called it was early afternoon and I hadn't eaten anything much all day, so I suggested we go out for dinner. He said he didn't have any money, because he had just paid all of his workers. He said that he just wanted together so that we could get to know each other better. He said we'll do the movie and dinner at another time when he gets some money. I suggested that we go out for dinner and go dutch. He still said no he didn't have any money (no money to even get himself something to eat -- really!).

So I said never mind, we'll just go out another time when he gets some money. I don't think I am going to out with him ever!! -- Why, the Nerve!

Dear Nerve,

Breakup Girl is so relieved that you don't actually have a question.

Breakup Girl



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