Dear Breakup Girl,
About six months ago, my girlfriend of two and a half years broke up with
me. I tried to get back together, but for one reason or another, I had screwed
it up. This isn't some masochistic thing, I really did screw it up. So I gave
it up. But it got me down for a while -- two and a half years is a long
So for the past few months, I've been getting over it -- it's not a problem.
So I've been becoming interested in a few different people -- people whom I
like as friends. So I become friends with them, get to know them, like them,
and then when I'm about to pounce, as it were, and ask the question, I find out
that they're either dating someone else or unavailable in another way (although
distance is the main thing, either me moving or them).
My question is, what the heck is going on here? It seems like
everyone I'm interested in I can't have. Is this some kind of messed-up
thing I'm seeking -- like I sense that they're unavailable and I like that for
some sick reason? I find this hard to believe -- most of the time I don't know
that they're taken. It's really getting old. I know that these people aren't
lying to me. Just today, I went up and was talking to someone for about an
hour, ready to ask her our, when she suddenly mentions that she's moving to
France for a year. What the crap?
-- Corwin
Dear Corwin,
Easy, killer. My sense is that you're
pathologizing/personalizing something that is part of life. Look around you,
Corwin: We live among The Taken. You just haven't thought about this
recently because for two and a half years, you were one of Them.
Debunkage #2: There's not necessarily anything
"messed-up" about being attracted to unavailable women. Seems to me
that it just means that you're hot for the babes who are NOT giving off the
DATE ME DATE ME DATE ME MY MOTHER WILL PAY YOU vibe. Which is normal, if not
What I'm mystified by is this: if you really are
getting to know and becoming friends with these people, then what questions
(besides "the" question) are you asking along the way? Obviously,
somehow, not questions with answers like, "Well, I enjoy flyfishing with
my fiance." Yo, ask things that will get you your data, like, "So
what are you doing for the holiday weekend?" (answer should include
"boyfriend," if applicable) or "How long have you lived
here?" (as in, "three years, but I'm moving to France right after the
World Cup."). See?
Also, if you keep moving (as you seem to say in
paragraph 2), why are you working your mack on girls who aren't?
Seems to me that you're not looking for unavailable
women; you're looking for "proof," after the fact, that you suck at
the dating thing. And that's the next thing you need to get over.
Breakup Girl