Dear Breakup Girl,
Here's my dilemma: I moved to a horrible place in the midwest last year for
the sake of Mr. Mediocre. Things ended a few months ago, and I'm getting ready
to go back east where I belong. While I've been out here in the midwest, I've
been a self-employed writer. So, now as I'm applying to jobs back east, the
first question every interviewer asks me is "What brought you to the
midwest?" From my resume, it's obvious that I never had a regular job
here, and that I had a good gig going back east before I left. So, how do I
explain this move to a prospective employer? I can make a joke out of it pretty
easily, but I find it hard to explain it in a way that helps a job interview
(probably because it still hurts, and I'm sure that shows). So what do you, the
Miss Manners of breakups, suggest I do?
-- Tongue-Tied
Dear Tongue-Tied,
I'd hire you purely based on your ability to flatter
(Miss M., as you may know, is one of my idols). Anyway, excellent question ,
but I'm not sure there's one right answer, especially in terms of
"helping" an interview -- that nuance may vary from place to place.
But I think you do need to give them a (the) concrete reason for the move, lest
you come across as flighty or cagey. My suggestion -- and I'm open to others --
would be to say something forthright and simple, like: "Well, I moved
there with my boyfriend, but things didn't work out. Still, it also gave me the
opportunity to try my hand at something I'd always wondered about: being a
self-employed writer, which was a valuable experiment in TK [fill in one solid
example of something you got out of it]. Now, however, I've realized that
neither the midwest nor freelancing is for me, and I'm clear that I need to
refocus on TK." Then, if you're feeling jaunty, you can throw in a quick
tension-easing isn't-she-witty wisecrack, like, "Though as much as I love
New York, I gotta admit I really miss the bagels in Boulder."
Breakup Girl
P.S. This would also be a good inquiry for the
message board.