Dear Breakup Girl,
I dated a guy for five months and spent basically 24/7 with him. We had a
great relationship -- in all ways that he even discussed me moving 300 miles
away with him.
One day he says to me that he thinks that I want more out of this
relationship (ie: marriage) and that it was over. Of course I was shocked and
hurt and devestated, but I understood where he was coming from. He never got
love and attention at home and wasn't sure he could give it or even understand
it. He says he would like to remain friends and could he call me. I agreed.
Now the problem. Every time we talk, the discussion seems to end up on sex.
We did have a great sex life, but we haven't been together that way in 5
months. I don't know what he's thinking. He talks to my friends about me and is
constantly asking me if I'm dating.
I've told him that all of the above is none of his business but it
continues. Should I just say "This is too much. You're not acting like a
friend -- more like a jealous boyfriend! Which you're not, and I can't do this
anymore!" or what? Help!!!
-- Shannon
Dear Shannon,
That is exactly what you should say.
Breakup Girl