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December 7

Hotter: Edward Cullen, or Princess Bride guy?

Filed under: Celebrities,pop culture — posted by Paula @ 2:24 pm

I am one of approximately four female mortals who has not read any of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight books, but am always curious about a literary phenomenon that a) gets kids reading and b) gets money into the pockets of a female writer (since acclaim seems woefully lacking these days).

Despite my concern that Meyer’s vampire novels are not fact-based (everyone knows vampires burn up in direct sunlight — they don’t sparkle, for God’s sake), I say kudos to her for creating some characters so indelible that people who have never read the books can have opinions on them. And indeed, perhaps young Twilight fans can go on to explore other “literary hotties,” guided by this YourTango post, Seven Book Characters Hotter than Edward Cullen.

CAUTION: Not including Zooey or Adso of Melk casts grave doubts on this list’s accuracy! Any additions of your own?


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