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August 13

I don’t rate alone time any more

Filed under: Advice — posted by Breakup Girl @ 9:24 am

Signs of trouble on April 6, 1998

Dear Breakup Girl,

I have been dating this guy now for one and a half years as of tomorrow. I am truly in love with him and my heart aches when we are away from each other. The one problem is that it seems that he doesn’t have the same feelings anymore. He feels that we should treasure the time we have together no matter if it is with his friends (which it always is) or on the phone for ten minutes. I do not consider this quality time. He feels that he needs time with his friends (which he does) but he spends every night of the week from way before I get there to after I leave. On the weekends his friends are always there. Day and night, I have no idea when he gets to sleep. In order for us to have sex we have to go to his room where his friends are on the other side of the wall and can hear everything that is going on.

All I want is to be alone with him and to enjoy a little peace and quiet. I don’t mind his friends but there is a certain point where you have to draw a line. And of all things I thought tomorrow we would do something special, like have dinner alone for once, but he made plans with his friends. When I mentioned something to him he said that I get upset over everything. I did not see any harm in it at all. It is like an endless battle with him. What should I do I love him and never want to lose him, but there has to be a line somewhere. Help?

— Truly in Love

Dear Truly,

Are you dating Seinfeld? If so, it may not last past May. If not… well, it may not last past May. To be fair to him, boys don’t deal so much with the half-anniversaries, so he may not have gotten that it was that important. But given everything else you’ve said — you should treasure your time together even it it’s with his friends!? Oh, please — I hate to say it, but it sounds like he wants to have his friends and sex too! As far as Breakup Girl can tell, this relationship is getting to be more and more about… nothing. Take it off the air.

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