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April 13

Coldplay fans least likely to have sex on first date

Filed under: music — posted by Chris @ 9:07 am

Next time you’re on a first date and you’re getting to know eachother, pay close attention when the discussion of music likes and dislikes comes up. Tastebuds.fm asked their users how far they would be likely to go on a first date. 408 readers responded  and the tastebuds team cross referenced this with their pop music preferences. The result?

Coldplay fans came out as the segment of our users least inclined to jump into bed after a first date. Why is this you ask? Beats us. But next time you’re having inappropriate thoughts it may be wise to save on your water bill and instead of taking a cold shower put on X&Y. Just sayin’.

At the other end of the spectrum fans of grunge-rockers Nirvana were the most likely to end up doing the walk of shame the morning after the night before. Now don’t get us wrong – we’re not saying all Nirvana fans are nymphomaniacs, oh no. But on average you’re more likely to get lucky on a first date with someone who’s a big fan of Kurt and co, if that’s what you’re after…


From blog.tastebuds.fm via BuzzFeed


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