Broken Heart Bob
Today we present the original “loft-builder†letter from January 19, 1998, which inspired Paul The Intern’s origin as well as this classic animation!
Dear Breakup Girl,
The thing I fear most in life is “I just want to be friends.” Or “I don’t want to ruin our friendship with a relationship now.”
I have been trying to get to know these women in college. I did all the things a “nice guy” does. I helped move big stuff into their dorm rooms, set up computers and bed lofts, what have you. That’s how I am: When I like a woman, I try to help her out. Well…then I get to be her best friend. I’ve tried not to be a “nice guy,” but I just can’t. It’s instilled deep within me. So what can I do to not be the best-friend/older brother/father/confidant and be someone’s boyfriend?
— Broken Heart Bob