Memo to POTUS from GLBTQA
Here’s a PSA from FOBG-run Theatre Askew:
This fall, Theatre Askew is inviting high school students to submit a letter to the next President of the United States. We’re encouraging students (up to 18 years) to describe their vision for the GLBTQ community, including the biggest challenges we must overcome, by the end of the next President’s time in office.
All letters will be reviewed by a panel of GLBTQ-community judges, who will choose the top letters for a special theatrical presentation (by some of New York’s leading actors) in the fall of 2008. Students whose letters are chosen will be invited to participate in a youth-based performance in 2009 using their letters as a jumping-off point to create an original theatre piece.
AND All student letters will be delivered to the White House in January 2009!
If you know of any New York-area youth who might be interested, or anyone who works with young people, please pass this along. Thanks!