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September 2

He’s just not that into calling me

Filed under: Advice — posted by Breakup Girl @ 9:19 am

Unfamiliar territory on August 10, 1998

Dear Breakup Girl,

Here’s the scenario: I recently started dating this guy and he is extremely nice, and funny, and good to me…when he’s with me. Sometimes two or three days pass without a single phone call, and yet he “bounces” back and is right back to being Mr. Wonderful after these disappearances occur. I know the theory is to leave a man be during this “time to himself” but is this normal in a new relationship? I hope I’m not in denial, ignoring obvious signs telling me to walk away. I have a pretty good head on my shoulders, and I really do have a good feeling about this guy. It’s just that I am used to two different types of relationships. One is where the guy is completely not interested and disappears, and the other is where the guy is sooo on your sh*t that he calls every single day. Both have been disasters. Therefore, I keep telling myself that this is a HEALTHY relationship and that I’m just not used to it. Talk to me girrrrl!

— Jennifer

Dear Jenniferrrrrr,

Let me second that emotion: this is a HEALTHY relationship and you’re just not used to it. Two or three days without a phone call is not a “disappearance.” It’s not even “time to himself.” It’s not anything to “bounce back” from. It’s not the Mr. Hyde flipside of “Mr. Wonderful.” It’s “recently started dating.” Step away from the phone and enjoy it!

Breakup Girl


December 3


Filed under: Advice — posted by Breakup Girl @ 10:03 am

Breaking the ice on April 27, 1998

Dear Breakup Girl,

I just started going out with this guy, but when I’m around him my mind goes blank and I have nothing to talk about. What do I say? Please answer!!

— Shelly

Dear Shelly,

Perhaps Breakup Girl is being old-fashioned, but in her day, you went out with someone because you had something to talk about. Maybe what you should say is: “Um, I’m not sure this is working out.”

Breakup Girl


November 22

Ask Lynn at Yahoo: Is he avoiding me?

Filed under: Advice — posted by Breakup Girl @ 9:04 am

MSN.com, Match.com, HappenMagazine.com: they’re in a healthy and satisfying 3-way relationship. This Ask Lynn column is being promoted at Match on Yahoo this week…

This week Lynn helps Confused, who is bewildered why her new relationship isn’t moving faster

The [first] date was great … Our second date was also fantastic, and he asked me out on a third. Unfortunately, he had a business trip coming up … A day or so before he left I asked him if he would like to go to a concert after he returned from his trip; he did not reply, but I got a couple of text messages from him.

Should she actually be so confused? Read the full letter and advice at Yahoo then comment below!


August 11

“Haunted Honeymoon Period”

Filed under: Comics — posted by Chris @ 6:06 am

When you give your friend space, no one can hear you scream …

Honeymoon Period, Page 1



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