Ulterior marriages
Popping that question on October 19, 1998…
Dear Breakup Girl,
I met a great guy a few months ago. He’s smart, funny, nice, beyond sexy and has the cutest Irish accent I’ve ever heard. We had been dating for a couple of months and everything was cool until he popped the question:Â Thatquestion. He asked me to marry him.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t any bold declaration of reckless, impetuous love, it’s a last-ditch attempt to not get deported.
I was speechless, but managed to sqeak out a “no” before I got the hell out of his place. He called me later that night, and said he understood why I wouldn’t marry him, and that he still wanted to see me anyway.
I can’t help but think he never really cared about me, that our whole relationship was just a sham to try to get a greencard in his eyes. I, on the other hand, fell kind of hard for the guy. But not hard enough to marry him after dating for two months!! I’d like to think I can trust him, that he really does want to continue dating me knowing that we will not be exchanging vows anytime soon, but I really haven’t known him long enough to have this sort of faith in his intentions yet.
Another thing…I do care for him and can appreciate his predicament: should I let him go so he can find another woman who may be more willing to help him out?
— The Greencard Girlfriend
Dear Greencard,
Here’s where BG’s knowledge of immigration laws falls short (Euro-Doll is busy feteing the Nobel Peace Prize winners and can’t be reached). Is there anything else Brogue Boy could do to stay here, legally AND stay with you, single (dating someone else on the side doesn’t count)? If there’s something he’ll consider, stamp his papers “SECOND CHANCE.” If not, deport him from your life.
Breakup Girl