From friends to … Fritos up my nose
Puppy love on September 28, 1998…
Dear Breakup Girl,
I’ve been soliciting advice on this subject from everyone I know, but nobody can figure this guy out — so here goes:
I’ve been hanging out with this fellow for about five months now, and although we’re officially just friends, I’ve had the hots for him for months. Recently, he’s begun saying and doing little things that may indicate he now has similar feelings for me. Unfortunately, they are VERY little things, like tickling, mock fistfights, sexual innuendos, teasing, and joking about how he should put the moves on me when we go to the movies, or that we should drive up into the hills and park, but never actually making good on these threats.
The other night we were stretched out on the couch watching a video when he took my feet and put them in his lap. I was congratulating myself on this huge display of affection when he leaned over and shoved a Frito up my nose!
I might understand if he were, say, 12 years old, but he’s 27! I’m fairly certain he has never had sex, which may account for his awkwardness, but he has had several relationships that lasted 3 or 4 years, so it’s not like he’s never seen a girl before. Another factor is that he’s fairly shy and unsophisticated.
Because I value his friendship, I am afraid to take the matter into my own hands and jump him. If I have misinterpreted his attentions, it would certainly ruin our relationship. On the other hand, I’m so frustrated right now that I’m kind of distant and bitchy around him, something that might jeopardize the relationship in the long run.
Should I stick it out a little longer, suppressing my frustration, or stir things up?
–Frito Nose